Meeting Starters:

Choose from the following sets of 5-minute ethics moments ..

Set of 10 Five-minute Values / Ethics / Compliance moments to be used at the beginning of your meeting can help bring ethical issues or topics up in a timely, clear, brief, and non-threatening way (includes attendance register, guidelines)

How it works ...
An Ethics Moment is a brief ethics talk about a specific case study or use case at the beginning of a meeting.
These talks can be done in a variety of ways, but are typically a brief (2-5 minute) discussion on an ethics related topic.

They can cover a variety of ethics topics and remind employees of the importance of being ethical aware: at work, at home and in all aspects of our lives.

Including an Ethics Moment at the beginning of your meeting can help bring ethical issues or topics up in a timely, clear, brief, and non-threatening way. Ethics Moments are designed to reinforce ethical knowledge, awareness and everyoneā€™s commitment towards a positive and safe ethical culture.
The Ethics Moment is general information, not meant to replace office policy, protocol or standard work procedures, but to remind us about the importance of ethics, increase awareness and contribute to a culture of

Each ethics moment comes with:
- A step-by-step guidance
- Done-for-you draft of the content
- Reflection time

Simply use them at your next team / personnel / client meeting! It's that easy!
And it's sets the tone for the rest of the meeting!

R1 200.00 (excl. VAT)

1: Making an Ethical Decision - A Mobile App
2: Learning to say 'No'
3. The Value of Choice
4: Top 5 Values
5: The Golden Rule
6: A Famous Lapse in Business Ethics
7: Caring about the Right Things
8: Core QuadrantsĀ 
9: Values moment: Attitude
10: The Values Lantern

Order Stack #1 here ...

R1 200.00 (excl. VAT)

1: Caring About the Right Things
2: Stacking Personal Standards
3: Character is a choice
4: Responsibility is a choice
5: The value-tattoo
6: The Snowball effect
7: Teachability
8: POPIA Act
9: Speaking up when you feel you can't
10: 5 Common unethical areas within the workplace

Order Stack #2 here ...

R1 200.00 (excl. VAT)

1: 'NICE' company cultures - the dangers
2: Biases
3: Ethical Intelligence
4: Overcoming unconscious bias in the workplace
5: Intent, actions, results
6: Critical Thinking
7: Mindful Speaking
8: Emotions and the Brain - The Neuroanatomy of an Emotion
9: 3 Dynamics of unethical behaviour
10: Increasing Self-Control through Repeated Practice

Order Stack #3 here ...

R1 200.00 (excl. VAT)

1: 20 Guidelines for Developing a Growth Mindset
2: Positive Thinking Style
3: What do you stand for?
4: Authenticity, authenticity, authenticity
5: Convincing other to do the right thing
6: Ethical choice framework
7: Passengers on the bus
8: Completing Sentences to Clarify Values
9: Using values to build resilience
10: Creating quiet time

Order Stack #4 here ...

ChooseĀ a set of Table Discussion Topics ..

The purpose of a table discussion, is to help develop ethical reasoning through deliberate discussions on the topic concerned.
To gain the best value from this discussion, it is recommended that the topic content and material be shared with a peer at work on either an informal basis (over a cup of coffee with a colleague) or formal basis (during a team meeting).Ā 

This could take the form of a one-to one discussion or one-to many discussion format. The reason for having these conversations, is to establish a safe environment, in which participants can help highlight facts, risks, possible consequences, what-if scenarios, unethical behaviour styles, available choices with respective consequences and possible outcomes, to name a few.

Thoughts, ideas, recommendations, real-life experiences, or even near misses can be shared, thus increasing the learning and awareness around ethics.

The table discussion comes with a background description or video content and where applicable other downloadable resources to help encourage further conversations and observations.

Table Discussions Topics help to develop ethical reasoning through deliberate discussions on the use cases (includes attendance register, material).

Table Discussions Stack #1

R1 500.00 (excl. VAT)

Includes material and attendance registers

Includes 8 topics:
1. The runaway trolley
2. Integrity as a value
3. Compromising
4. Crisis Leadership
5. Speaking and Listening
6. Positioning (teams)
7. Becoming a Person of Value
8. Modeling in Leadership

Purchase this bundle

Table Discussions Stack #2

R1 500.00 (excl. VAT)

Includes material and attendance registers

Includes 8 topics:
1. Values-pitch
2. Ethical Choices
3. Building Personal Brand
4. Legacy
5. The Law of the Niche
6. Brain Health and Ethics
7. Building report
8 The Law of Trade-offs

Purchase this bundle

Daily Ethics and Values Journal with Prompts

(R1 500.00 excl VAT)

This ethics tool is specifically developed to enhance and develop one's daily reflection on ethics and values.
It serves as a great resource in the development of ethical habitual skills.

1. Instruction video on authentic journaling as a personal development skill and tool
2. Workbook
3. Six month's journal prompts
4. Learn about:
Ā - The 3 pillars of a learned model
Ā - Writing as a tool of enrichment
Ā - The 10 principles of authentic journaling
Ā - Reflection questions

Purchase here

Got questions or need assistance?

Contact Nerissa Singh at [email protected] or 011 886 1395